Amazon Alexa

Mit Alexa können die Yeelight Geräte über Sprachbefehl gesteuert werden.

Integration von Amazon Alexa

What's Amazon Alexa?

Alexa is an intelligent personal assistant developed by Amazon, first used in the Amazon Echo and the Amazon Echo Dot devices developed by Amazon Lab126.

What could Alexa do?

Alexa is capable of voice interaction, music playback, making to-do lists, setting alarms, streaming podcasts, playing audiobooks, and providing weather, traffic, and other real time information, such as news. Alexa can also control several smart devices using itself as a home automation system.

How to setup?

To use smart home devices with Alexa, you need to enable the skill for the device in the Alexa App. You may also need to link your account with the device manufacturer or service provider to Alexa.

Link Yeelight with Amazon Alexa

How to use?

1. Turn on
Request to turn on an endpoint.

"Alexa, turn on [device name]"

2. Turn off
Request to turn off an endpoint.

"Alexa, turn off [device name]"

3. Adjust brightness
Adjusts the brightness of an endpoint either up or down, depending on whether a positive or negative value is specified.

"Alexa, dim [device name] ##%"

4. Set brightness
Sets the brightness value for an endpoint.

"Alexa, set [device name] to ##%"

5. Decrease color temperature
A request to lower the Kelvin temperature value of the device. This directive does not specify a specific setting, but asks for a warmer setting relative to the current device setting. You can choose how much to adjust the setting of the specified device depending on its current setting, capabilities and other values. If the device cannot be decreased further, set it to its minimum color temperature.

"Alexa, set [device name] warmer/softer"

"Alexa, set the dining room softer"

"Alexa, make the living room warmer"

6. Set color
Request to set the color of the light for an endpoint.

"Alexa, set [device name] to color"

"Alexa, set the bedroom light to red"

"Alexa, change the kitchen to the color blue"

7. Increase color temperature
A request to raise the Kelvin temperature value of the device. This directive does not specify a specific setting, but asks for a cooler/whiter setting relative to the current device setting. You can choose how much to adjust the setting of the specified device depending on its current setting, capabilities and other values. If the device cannot be incremented further, set it to its maximum color temperature.

"Alexa, set [device name] cooler/whiter"

"Alexa, set the dining room cooler"

"Alexa, make the living room light whiter"

8. Set color temperature
Request to change the color temperature of the specified device change to a specified setting. The following table lists some possible color temperature requests and related values that the API would send. If your lighting device does not support the requested value, its recommended that you set your device to the nearest possible value.

"Alexa, change [device name] to shade of white"

"Alexa, make the living room warm white"

"Alexa, set the kitchen to daylight"